At Ellistown, our computing curriculum is designed to provide rich, broad learning experiences that balance all aspects of computing. Our computing curriculum will allow pupils to take part in high-quality, aspirational sequence of lessons. With technology playing such a significant role in society today, we believe ‘Computational Thinking’ is a skill children must be taught if they are to be able to participate effectivity and safety in the digital world. We teach a curriculum which enables children to become effective users of technology who can:
They will be equipped, not only with the skills and knowledge to use technology effectively and for their own benefit, but more importantly- safely. Children need to understand the consequences when using the internet and be aware of how they can keep themselves safe online.
When planning and teaching computing at Ellistown, we believe that computing is an essential part of the curriculum; a subject that not only stands alone but is embedded and should be an integral part of all learning. Computing within school provides a wealth of learning opportunities and transferrable skills. These transferrable skills ensure that children become digitally literate so that they are able to express themselves and develop their ideas through information and computer technology- at a level suitable for future workplace.
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Ellistown Community Primary School
Headteacher: Mrs Simone Fellows
Whitehill Road, Ellistown
Leicestershire LE67 1EN
Tel: 01530 260301
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