Our new playground buddy scheme plays an important part in creating a safe, friendly, happy and peaceful atmosphere for children during break and lunchtimes.
Who are they?
Our School Council children approached a member of the Pastoral Team, concerned that their friend, who isn’t a School Councillor, might be lonely while they are at School Council meetings; Ellistown Buddies was born!
We have had similar schemes in the past, where children have volunteered or applied to be a helpful and caring friend on the playground; however the children who wear Buddy badges have been nominated by their peers for consistently showing empathy and kindness, which is very much part of Ellistown School's ethos and values.
Ellistown Buddies must follow The Ellistown Way and agree to:
Be a good listener
Be available
Help children join in if they find this difficult
Report things to adults that are not The Ellistown Way
Help children talk to adults and other children.
Contribute to our buddy team at meetings and celebrate our playground successes.
How do you spot them?
There are playground buddies on KS1 and KS2 playgrounds. They are the children wearing buddy badges, they will be playing at breaks and lunchtimes but keeping a close eye on our buddy stops (the sign was created by one of our previous school councillors.)
Should a child feel a little sad or perhaps they haven’t found a way to join a game, they can stand near the buddy stop and one of our Buddies will swoop in to help them. There will be two buddies in each year group, they are children who are excellent examples of the Ellistown Way.
Lost and Found!
Ellistown Buddies also take pride in reuniting lost items with thier owners; they collect lost property, sort and organise it, displaying it neatly at the lost and found spot in school.
The buddies really enjoy their responsibilities, and not only do they make the playground a happy place for all the children, but also offer significant support to the staff on duty at lunchtime and breaks.
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Ellistown Community Primary School
Headteacher: Mrs Simone Fellows
Whitehill Road, Ellistown
Leicestershire LE67 1EN
Tel: 01530 260301
Email: admin@ellistown.leics.sch.uk
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