All Leicestershire Schools are part of a safeguarding initiative, which aims to improve outcomes for children and families affected by domestic violence and abuse.
This scheme has been designed to provide early reporting to schools of any domestic abuse incidents that might have an impact on a child that attends their school. In Leicestershire the scheme is run in partnership between Leicestershire County Council and Leicestershire Police.
All public agencies currently share information where there are safeguarding concerns or risk of harm to children and the Police currently share information on all incidents of domestic abuse in Leicestershire with Leicestershire County Council. Our Designated Safeguarding Leads will be informed when an incident has been reported to the police and one of our pupils resides (either full or part time) at that address.
Domestic abuse in a household can have a big impact on children, even if they do not see what is happening, or were not at the address at the time of the reported incident.
This information will be used to ensure the school is able to provide appropriate support to our pupils. The information will remain confidential and only shared, for example with the class teacher, who will need to be aware of an occurance, not necessarily all the details. It will not be shared with any pupils; no member of staff will speak to the children involved unless they seek support.
If you would like to speak to someone in confidence, please click here for links to support.
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Ellistown Community Primary School
Headteacher: Mrs Simone Fellows
Whitehill Road, Ellistown
Leicestershire LE67 1EN
Tel: 01530 260301
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